Xenoblade Chronicles Studio is Recruiting for a New RPG Directed by Tetsuya Takahashi

Monolith Soft wrapped up the Xenoblade Chronicles saga with Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed last year, and with that now in the rearview mirror, the studio is gearing up for whatever it will be that lies ahead. And what lies ahesports bettingad is, it seems, going to be another major RPG.

Monolith Soft has put up a new page on its website dedicated entirely to kicking off a major recruitment drive for its next project. Penned by director and Xenoblade mastermind Tetsuya Takahashi, a letter on the page reveals little about the project other than confirming that it is going to be another RPG and will present more challenges from a development perspective than any past Monolith Soft title.

Takahashi reveals he will once again direct the game, which, as per him, is going to be “more sophisticated” in the content that it will have on offer than the studio’s past games. Positions are open at Monolith Soft across a number of different disciplines.

What exactly it is that Monolith Soft is working on – whether it’s a new Xenoblade game or something else entirely – remains to be seen. It’s safe to assume, however, that whatever the game is is being made for the Switch’s upcoming successor and not the Switch itself, and as such might not be announced for a while yet.